Friday, November 21, 2008

Birth of Animation Buddies Group

Animation Buddies is finally realised... Have been talking about friends about setting up a casual animation group, where people can share ideas about the new animation they wanna do, post, comment on animation.

Currently, the plan of Animation Buddies, is to:
  1. Meet up once every 2 weeks to present ideas or animation.
  2. All members a.k.a buddy of the group, can do animation he want. You can pitch to do a run cycle, a weight lift, a short film, or any animation! Just don't pitch to do modeling or anything not animation....
  3. Every time we meet for our bi-weeklies, you show your stuffs, then we critic and comments, and you decide by the next session, what do you want to get done, and what you wanna present. Scheduling is totally up to you!
  4. Critics are totally welcomed. If you are the type that keep quiet and don't wanna speak up, then stay at home! Afterall, that's the purpose of this group, to learn from each other, be it zero experience, or many years of experience!
  5. This is not a business, just a interest group. So, we do not welcome people with commercial interest!
  6. All buddies, please post your work up in this blog, so we can constantly trace progress and comments!
That's it guys, drop me an email if you are interested in joining this group! Currently only people residing in Singapore should apply as we believe in physical meet ups!

- yz

1 comment:

Unknown said...

congratulations on the birth of ABG!